Do PSUs Come With Cables

Do PSUs Come With Cables? A Comprehensive Guide

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When building a new computer or upgrading an existing one, choosing the right power supply unit (PSU) is crucial. However, many people are unsure whether PSUs come with the necessary cables to connect to their components. When purchasing a power supply unit (PSU), it’s important to understand whether cables are included. While some PSUs come with a full set of cables necessary for connecting to various components in a computer system, others may only include essential cables or none at all. These cables typically include those for motherboard power, CPU power, PCIe connectors for graphics cards, SATA connectors for storage drives, and peripheral connectors for devices like fans and lighting. Checking the specifications and contents of the PSU package ensures you have the necessary cables for your system build.

The Anatomy of a Power Supply Unit

Before delving into the cable question, let’s understand the basics of a PSU. A power supply unit is an essential component of any computer setup. Its primary function is to convert alternating current (AC) from your wall outlet into direct current (DC), which your computer’s components can use. PSUs vary in wattage, efficiency, and form factor, but they all share common components:

  • AC Input: A power cord connects The power supply unit to your wall outlet. This is the point where it receives AC power.
  • DC Output: The PSU provides DC power to your computer’s components, ensuring they receive the right voltage and current.
  • Modular or Non-Modular: PSUs can be modular or non-modular. Modular PSUs allow you to connect only the necessary cables, while non-modular PSUs have fixed cables.

What’s in the Box?

When you purchase a power supply unit, whether online or in a physical store, you might wonder, “Do PSUs come with cables?” The answer is yes, they do. However, the type and quantity of cables included can vary.

  • Motherboard Power Cables: All PSUs have the essential cables for connecting to your motherboard. This includes the 24-pin ATX cable and the 4 or 8-pin CPU power cable. These are non-negotiable and necessary for your computer to function.
  • Extras: Some high-end PSUs may include cable extensions, cable combs, or RGB lighting cables for customization and aesthetics.

Matching PSU Cables to Your Components

While PSUs do come with cables, you must ensure that the included cables are compatible with your components. Here’s how to do that:

1. Check PSU Wattage:

  • Make sure your PSU’s wattage is sufficient for your components. A high-end gaming PC with a powerful GPU may require more PCIe power connectors, which some lower-wattage PSUs may not provide.

2. Modular vs. Non-Modular:

  • You can select the cables you need if you have a modular PSU. If you have a non-modular PSU, ensure it comes with the cables for your specific setup. In some cases, you might need adapters.

3. Graphics Cards:

  • High-end graphics cards often require specific connectors. Ensure your PSU provides the necessary PCIe power connectors that match your GPU’s requirements.

4. Storage Devices:

  • If you have multiple storage devices, ensure your PSU has enough SATA power or Molex connectors to accommodate them all.

Upgrading or Customizing Your PSU Cables

Sometimes, you may want to upgrade your cables for aesthetics, cable management, or compatibility. Many companies offer custom cable kits that are compatible with various PSUs. When choosing custom cables, consider the following:

  • Aesthetics: Custom cables allow you to choose colours, materials, and sleeving styles that match your desired theme or aesthetic preferences, enhancing the overall look of your build.
  • Cable Management: Custom cables can be tailored to specific lengths and configurations, improving cable management and airflow within the case for better cooling performance and aesthetics.
  • Modularity: Some PSU cable sets offer modular designs, allowing you to swap out individual cables as needed without replacing the entire set, providing flexibility for future upgrades or changes.
  • Sleeving: Look for cables with high-quality sleeving, which not only improves aesthetics but also provides durability and protection.
  • Quality and Safety: Choose custom cables from reputable manufacturers known for using high-quality materials and adhering to safety standards to ensure reliable performance and safety for your system.


In conclusion, PSUs come with cables, including essential connections like the 24-pin ATX cable and the CPU power cable. However, the number and types of wires can vary depending on the PSU’s wattage and model. It’s crucial to check your PSU’s compatibility with your components, especially if you have high-end or specialized hardware. If you desire customization, consider investing in custom cables that offer improved aesthetics and better cable management. Upgrading your cables can significantly affect the overall look and feel of your computer build.


Q. What Is a PSU’s Wattage Rating?
A. The wattage rating of a PSU determines its power output capacity, crucial for powering all your computer components.

Q. Are PSU Cables Interchangeable?
A. PSU cables are not typically interchangeable between different PSU models and brands, as they have specific connectors.

Q. Can I Use Custom Cables with Any PSU?
A. Custom cables should be chosen carefully to ensure compatibility with your PSU and components.

Q. What’s the Importance of Cable Management?
A. Proper cable management improves airflow, cooling, and the overall aesthetic of your computer build.

Q. How Many PCIe Connectors Do I Need for My GPU?
A. The number of PCIe connectors required for your graphics card depends on the GPU’s power demands and your PSU’s capacity.

Last Updated on 24 April 2024 by Ansa Imran


Ansa Imran, a writer, excels in creating insightful content about technology and gaming. Her articles, known for their clarity and depth, help demystify complex tech topics for a broad audience. Ansa’s work showcases her passion for the latest tech trends and her ability to engage readers with informative, well-researched pieces.

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